
“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” Bill Copeland
The importance of sleep and mental health

The importance of sleep and mental health

Sleep and mental health are deeply connected as each having an impact on the other. A good night's sleep is fundamentally essential for physical and mental health and the importance of sleep for mental health cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in...

Menopause and Mental Health

Menopause and Mental Health

Menopause, a natural process marking the end of a woman's menstrual cycles, typically occurs in the late 40s to early 50s. While it is often discussed in terms of its physical symptoms—such as hot flushes, night sweats, and changes in menstrual patterns—menopause also...

Child depression – how you can help

Child depression – how you can help

As a parent, the idea of child depression or discovering that your child is suffering from depression can be incredibly challenging and heart-wrenching. Depression in children and teenagers is a serious condition that can affect their emotions, behaviour, and overall...

Facing Social Anxiety: Practical Everyday Tips

Facing Social Anxiety: Practical Everyday Tips

Social anxiety is more than just occasional nervousness or shyness. It is a persistent fear of social situations where one might be scrutinised or judged by others. This can significantly impact everyday life, making simple tasks like making a phone call or attending...

How to address and talk about depression

How to address and talk about depression

Talking about depression is essential for fostering understanding, providing support, and breaking down the stigma that often surrounds mental health issues. However, the ironic thing is that while talking about it openly is an acknowledged way to address it, actually...

The Stigma Surrounding Men’s Mental Health

The Stigma Surrounding Men’s Mental Health

Mental health has become an increasingly prominent topic in today's fast paced world, but the stigma surrounding men’s mental health is still prominent and hasn't really changed. Despite significant strides in raising awareness, men often face unique challenges that...

When Should You Consider Therapy for Children?

When Should You Consider Therapy for Children?

Children, like adults, experience a wide range of emotions and in the modern world face a whole range of challenges that may not be familiar to us as adults as they grow up. While it's normal for children to go through periods of sadness, anger, or anxiety, there are...

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a widely acclaimed and extensively researched form of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviours. It is structured, goal-oriented, and usually short-term, making it a practical...

Could Therapy Change Your life?

Could Therapy Change Your life?

Therapy, in its various forms, has long been heralded as a powerful catalyst for personal transformation, growth and the ability to change your life. It is a process that offers individuals a safe space to explore their innermost...

You Can’t Change Other People!

You Can’t Change Other People!

There are myriad reasons why one might desire to alter another person's behaviour. It could stem from the impact of bullying someone may be affected by,, it could be a heartfelt concern for a friend or family member grappling with difficulties or making unwise...

Are You Postponing Yourself?

Are You Postponing Yourself?

Seneca, a great Stoic philosopher, spoke about postponing yourself, and the phrase, along with its intention, is over 2000 years old. It reveals that despite the passage of time, human nature remains largely unchanged. We all aspire to be more than we are and focus on...

Manage your mind to master your life

Whilst many people turn to conventional medicine to alleviate their mental or physical ailments and challenges; Jille Tringham's ethos is to find and eliminate the root cause, which 9 times out of 10 begins with a belief, thought or experience that manifests as mental illness or physical illness.

When we manage the things that cause habits, stress, compulsions we can reverse the symptoms too. Jille Tringham's aim for clients is to help them find long term resolutions – enabling them to be free from therapy or conventional treatments and able to live a happy and fulfilled life – whatever their circumstances. We all have the power to change – Jille Tringham is the person that enables you to have the belief to try and the expectation to succeed.